New User Guide
By following these steps, you can easily register, login, access the community feed, and edit your profile on If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
Welcome to! This guide is designed to help new users get started and make the most of their experience in our vibrant community. Whether you’re looking to connect with others, share updates, or manage your profile, we’ve got you covered. Follow these simple steps to register, login, access the community feed, and edit your profile.
Helpful Resources
Register Free Account
- Navigate to the Registration Page: Click on The “Sign Up For Free Account” on the main menu of or access the registration page from the Login page.
- Fill Out the Form: Enter your details, including name, email, username, and password.
- Agree to the Terms and Conditions: Read over our Terms and Conditions before checking that you agree.
- Sign Up: Click the “Sign Up” button to complete your registration.
- Confirmation: Check your email for a confirmation link and click it to verify your account.
- Navigate to the Login Page: Access the Login page from the site’s main menu by clicking “Login“.
- Enter Credentials: Input your registered, email or username, and password.
- Login: Click the “Login” button to access your account. (Wait for a response after clicking)
- Community Feed: Once logged in you will be directed to the Community Social Feed.
If you receive the error, “Incorrect Password,” please check your email address and password for incorrect spelling. If you are still unable to login try resetting your password through the “Lost your password?” link. If you don’t have an account? Signup
Accessing Your Account Settings, Orders, Classified Listings, Subscriptions and Community Profile
- Navigate to your Account Section: If you are in the Community Social Feed, click on “My Account” on the main top menu or in the top left hand sidebar of the Community Feed.
- Market Account: Here you can logout and view your consumer market settings including:
- Orders: Manage the orders made from your account.
- Downloads: Manage any download you have purchased on the Jemez Village Market.
- Addresses: Manage billings and shipping addresses.
- Payment Methods: Manage any payment methods on record.
- Account Details: Edit your account information.
- Subscriptions: from the market.
- Listings Dashboard: Here you can manage your classified listings, view your favorite listings, modify your classified contact information, chat with others about listings, and manage your payments for the classified sections:
- Dashboard: Quick view of listings and your listing profile.
- My Listings: Manage any listing that you have posted in the classified section.
- Favorites: Manage and view your favorite listings.
- Chat: Send messages to others about listings in the classified section.
- Payments: View your listing payments for the classified section.
- Account Details: Modify your listing profile for the classified section.
- Logout: Log out of your account.
Edit Your Community Profile
- Access Profile Settings: Click on your profile icon and select settings.
- Update Information: Edit your personal details, profile picture, and preferences.
- Save Changes: Click the save button to update your profile.